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NCURA Region II CALL for NOMINATIONS of Officers


Region II is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the following Officer positions: 

1.    Chair-Elect, Region II

2.    Treasurer-Elect, Region II

3.    Secretary, Region II


Region II is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the following Non-Officer position:

1.    Region II Member of the National Board of Directors


Officer candidates must:

  • Have been Region II members for a minimum of one year;

  • Appear on the official NCURA membership roster;

  • Have NCURA-related experience;

  • Have a known interest in Region II affairs; and

  • Be willing to serve, if elected.


Nominations must be received by Friday, May 31, 2024.


1.   Chair-Elect: Term is 3 years: 1 year as Chair-Elect; 1 year as Chair; 1 year as Immediate Past Chair. Begins January 1, 2025


The Chair-Elect will: 

  • Chair the Volunteer and New Member Committee 

  • Serve as Region II’s Volunteer Coordinator 

  • Serve on the Region II Steering Committee 

  • Assist the Chair in the planning of regional meetings and activities, supporting the Steering Committee and other Committees as requested, and the general activities of the Region 

  • Complete the remaining term if the Chair is unable to complete the term 


At the end of the one-year term, the Chair-Elect will assume the office of Chair for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2026. The Chair is the chief executive officer of the Region and is empowered to conduct activities in consultation with the other Officers and the Regional Steering Committee.


The Chair will: 

  • Call and chair meetings of the Region 

  • Serve as Chair of the Regional Steering Committee 

  • Provide articles about regional activities for the NCURA National Magazine, submit E-Blasts on behalf of the Region to the National Office for distribution, and support other Regional communication initiatives 

  • Support and encourage activities of the Region’s Standing Committees 

  • Appoint members to Regional Standing Committees and can create ad hoc, special purpose committees as needed 

  • Fill vacancies in regional offices (subject to the concurrence of a majority of the Regional Steering Committee) 

  • Provide training and support to the Chair-Elect to insure a smooth transition from one year to the next 

  • Direct the activities of the Region  

The Chair shall be responsible for organizing one annual Regional meeting during their term, and may delegate such tasks to one or more Regional Meeting Chairs. 


2.   Treasurer-Elect:  Term is 3.5 years total: 6 months* as Treasurer-Elect; 2 years as Treasurer; 1 year as Immediate Past Treasurer

Begins: *ASAP after the election results are final. The individual elected to this position will be filling a recent vacancy and will complete the remainder of the Treasurer-Elect term in 2024 before assuming the office of Treasurer on January 1, 2025.   

Treasurer-Elect will: 

  • Serve on the Region II Steering Committee 

  • Assist the Treasurer as needed in preparing budget reports, facilitate the finances associated with the Region’s Professional Development Committee workshop offerings, secure the annual spring meeting site and contract negotiation for upcoming Regional Meetings

  • Complete the remaining term if the Treasurer is unable to complete the term


At the end of the one-year term, the Treasurer-Elect assumes the office of Treasurer for a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025. The Treasurer is the first person authorized to sign checks drawn upon the regional account. 


The Treasurer will: 

  • Maintain the financial records of the Region 

  • Serve as financial liaison to the NCURA National Office and NCURA Officers, prepare the end-of-fiscal year report to the National Office, submit the Regional budget to the National Office, and prepare and submit other reports and information as required or requested by the National Office or NCURA Officers

  • Chair the Site Selection Committee 

  • Oversee the finances associated with the Region’s Professional Development Committee workshop offerings

  • Administer the annual spring meeting registration as well as other regional programming registrations 

  • Collect, deposit and disburse Regional funds 

  • Provide training and support to the Treasurer-Elect to insure a smooth transition from one year to the next 

  • Provide the Chair with all the information and documentation required by the Chair for reports to the National Office.  


At the end of the two-year term, the Treasurer assumes the office of Immediate-Past Treasurer for a one-year term beginning January 1, 2027.


3.    Secretary: Term is one year. Begins January 1, 2025.

The Secretary will:

  • Be responsible for recording the minutes of Regional Steering Committee meetings and all Regional Business meetings, maintaining the other non‐financial records of the Region, and providing all additional information and documentation required by the Chair to prepare reports to the Regional Steering Committee and National organization.

  • Serve as an ex‐officio member of the Regional Steering Committee, as well as a member of the Regional Meeting Committee and other ad hoc committees as appropriate.

  • The Secretary will further serve as Chair of the Communications Committee supporting the Region website, social networking sites, and print or electronic publications.


Member of the Board of Directors: The Member of the Board of Directors will serve a two-year term beginning January 1, 2025. The candidate for Board of Directors should have all of the requisite qualifications described in the position description maintained by the NCURA National organization.


Full descriptions of each Officer position can be found in the Region II Administrative Policies & Procedures (


You may nominate yourself or someone else. Please send nominee name and contact information, along with a short statement of why you feel the prospective nominee would succeed as a regional officer for the nominated position. Please forward this information to my attention at

All nominations are due by 5:00pm on July 5, 2024. Following the close of nominations, nominees will be notified and asked if they agree to stand for election pending the final selection of candidates. Nominated candidates shall be asked to confirm their interest (if not self-nominated) and prepare a bio/CV and Statement of Interest for review. The Leadership Development and Nominating Committee will review and select candidates and the final slate will be confirmed by the Steering Committee. All candidates will be notified if they have been selected before the ballot is released to the Regional Membership.

This is a great opportunity for Region II members to assume a leadership role within the Region and to contribute to our professional association.

We are looking forward to hearing from you soon! 

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