Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
NCURA's Region II DE&I Committee
aligns with the Council's goal of
promoting a culture of respect for all.
Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The National Council of University Research Administrators (NCURA) recognizes, values, and celebrates diversity of persons, skills, and experiences in its mission to advance the profession of research administration. Thus, NCURA is committed to building and maintaining a diverse membership and a culture of inclusion. Every member of NCURA has a right, without regard to gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, social class, sexual orientation, ability, personality, functional experience, or background, to fair and respectful treatment, equal access to resources to support professional growth, and equitable opportunities to contribute to NCURA’s success.
It is the responsibility of DEIC to:
Review Region II selection processes for officers, committees, and awards to ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion
Ensure Region II events and meetings are accessible and inclusive
Advise and support the Chair, and Regional Steering Committee, as requested
Ensure diversity, equity, and inclusion are front and center of all work of Region II so that all members feel a sense of belonging
To this end, the committee continually seeks
your suggestions for DE&I learning opportunities, speakers and/or events, as well as
feedback on Region 2 DE&I offerings.
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2024 Region II DE&I Committee
Margarita (Magui) Cardona, University of Baltimore
Meena Ilyas, University of Delaware
Nancy Newton, Montgomery College
Mary Ellen Jackson, Lafayette College
Carolyn Julien, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Chantazia Bronson, University of Buffalo
Chanell Rome, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Anna Dampf, Rowan University
Brianna Wilkerson, Rutgers University
Danielle Sesay, NJ Office of Secretary of Higher Education
Jillian McIntosh, University of Pennsylvania
Sybile Bayiha, University of Maryland (National DEI Committee Vice Chair)
DE&I Events
Upcoming Events
The 2024 DEI Book Club Selection and Speaker Series
As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in research administration, the Region II Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee is excited to announce our 2024 book club selection as The Inclusive Organization: Real Solutions, Impactful Change, and Meaningful Diversity by Netta Jenkins!! This book offers a comprehensive exploration of DEI issues in organizational settings and provides practical strategies for creating inclusive environments. With its diverse range of topics covered in each chapter, we hope that The Inclusive Organization will promote introspective dialogue among our research administrators.
We are also thrilled to announce that in the fall, we will be hosting a series of talks featuring guest speakers who will further delve into the themes explored in The Inclusive Organization. These talks will provide valuable insights and practical strategies for implementing DEI initiatives in research administration. We encourage all participants to pick up the book this summer and prepare for these forthcoming events, as they will offer unique opportunities for learning and collaboration.​​

Book Discussion: The Inclusive Organization: Real Solutions, Impactful Change, and Meaningful Diversity
September 25, 2024, 12:00pm-1pm (Eastern Time)
​Bring your lunch and join us for a discussion of Chapter 1: “Decoding Human Behavior.”​
One tap mobile:
US: +13017158592,,94019234363# or +13126266799,,94019234363#
Meeting URL: https://ubalt.zoom.us/j/94019234363?from=addon
Meeting ID: 940 1923 4363
Book Discussion: The Inclusive Organization: Real Solutions, Impactful Change, and Meaningful Diversity
October 26, 2024, 12:00pm-1pm (Eastern Time)
​Bring your lunch and join us for a discussion of Chapter 4: “The Most Underrated Leader.”​
One tap mobile:
US: +13017158592,,97933620393# or +13126266799,,97933620393#
Meeting URL: https://ubalt.zoom.us/j/97933620393?from=addon
Meeting ID: 979 3362 0393
Past Events
Book Discussion: What if I Say the Wrong Thing? 25 Habits for Culturally Effective People
October 26, 2023, 2:00pm Eastern Time
Zoom Link: https://udel.zoom.us/j/91282152876 (password: 495416)
Registration not required, please join us!!

Shout out to Meena Ilyas of R2 and Brigidann Cooper of R6 for their collaboration on an DEI article printed in the Dec2023 issue of NCURA Magazine.
2023 Winter News: