RM 2023 Plenary Speaker
Dr. William Hubbard
"Restoring the Health and Resiliency of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed"
Tuesday, November 14, 8:15am in the Annapolis Atrium
Dr. William Hubbard is the Assistant Director of Environmental, Natural Resources & Sea Grant Programs at the University of Maryland Extension, College Park, Maryland.
Dr. Hubbard received degrees in Forest Management (B.S) and Forest Economics (M.S.) from the University of Florida and served on the faculty there as a statewide Extension Specialist with responsibilities in forest management and urban forestry. His responsibilities afforded him the opportunity to work throughout the state of Florida, as well as nationally and internationally (including a USAID effort in Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of Congo). In 1993 he accepted the position of Southern Regional Extension Forester serving thirteen Land Grant Extension programs and the USDA Forest Service. The position was housed at the University of Georgia. He earned a Phd in Adult Education, Leadership and Program Evaluation from the University of Georgia in 2010.
In 2019, Dr. Hubbard accepted the position of State Program Leader and Assistant Director, University of Maryland Extension with responsibilities in the environmental, natural resources and Sea Grant programmatic areas. He currently provides administrative leadership to Maryland’s diverse natural resources Extension programs including forestry, wildlife, aquaculture and seafood technology, watershed restoration and protection, energy conservation, coastal and climate resiliency, home horticulture/Master Gardener and other natural resource-based programs. These programs include over 35 faculty and staff members within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and throughout the state of Maryland.
Dr. Hubbard has provided Extension and project leadership on several multistate and multidisciplinary USDA and NOAA funded programs in areas such as climate change, bioenergy, flood resiliency and aquaculture. He has authored or co-authored over 100 refereed, popular, Extension and book chapter publications in his career, and has been active in several professional societies including the Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals (ANREP), where he served as President and Executive Secretary, the Society of American Foresters (SAF), where he was elected Fellow in 2018, and the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), where he is current Deputy Director of the Extension, and Knowledge Exchange (EKE) Working Party.
He and his wife Joni live in Annapolis, Maryland where they enjoy the beauty and culture of the Chesapeake Bay and surroundings.